Safer York Partnership and North Yorkshire Community Safety Partnership hold the responsibility for strategic governance of Domestic Abuse across the City and County.  The York Domestic Abuse Local Partnership Board (DALPB), which reports to the Safer York Partnership and is chaired by the Director of Public Health, is responsible for ensuring the local governance and effective partnership working of local services in relation to domestic abuse. The DALPB leads on ensuring that local services meet the needs of victims and survivors of domestic abuse via a number of multi-agency sub-groups including a Domestic Abuse Joint Commissioning Group, a MARAC and MATAC steering group and a White Ribbon Accreditation sub-group. The DALPB is responsible for the effective delivery of the Safe Accommodation Strategy, a copy of which is available at the bottom of this page.

Further information regarding domestic abuse is available at the City of York Council website.


Getting help and Support

In an emergency

If someone is immediate danger or your safety is threatened, call North Yorkshire Police on 999.


Local Independent Domestic Abuse Services

(IDAS) provide support and advice to men and women across York and North Yorkshire:

IDAS (Independent Domestic Abuse Services)

Helpline number: 03000 110 110.

Live-chat also available via the IDAS website.


We also have in our service offer a perpetrator behaviour change program. This service aims to promote positive behaviour change among those who harm and is provided by:

Foundation +Choices


National Domestic Abuse Helpline.

This service operates a 24-hour free phone line and a live chat. 

Phone: 0808 2000 247

Intranet: National Domestic Abuse helpline

Government guidance Domestic abuse: how to get help









York & North Yorks  Safe Accommodation Strategy

Following the publication of the Domestic Abuse Act (2021) the new statutory duty placed on local authorities aims to ensure that all victims of domestic abuse have access to the right support within safe accommodation when they need it. City of York Council, in partnership with North Yorkshire County Council, have undertaken a domestic abuse needs assessment to provide an evidence base that has informed the development of a Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation strategy. The strategy aims to outline the partnerships commitment to providing effective and consistent support and interventions that meet local need. For further information please contact