My City Centre is a project being delivered through City of York Council to engage the public and stakeholders to develop a long term social, environmental and economic strategic vision for a sustainable future for York City Centre.  Safer York Partnership is committed to ensuring that partners work together to continue to keep crime levels in the city low.

Positive perceptions of the city are important to York’s status as a major tourist destination.  The unique layout of the city with its compact mix of residential, commercial and licenses premises  often results in perception of the city as a safe place being more negative than the actual crime figures would suggest


  • To contribute to the Board and Working Groups of My City Centre to ensure that community safety is considered within future planning and development
  • Work in partnership with York BID & Make It York to ensure that the City Centre remains an attractive and prosperous location for visitors
  • Contribute to the delivery of the York Homelessness Strategy by tackling the community safety aspects of begging and rough sleeping
  • Contribute to the work of the River Safety Forum to prevent fatalities associated with York’s rivers
  • Develop York Business Against Crime to harness a wider sharing of information and intelligence that will assist in reducing crime, anti-social behaviour and contributing to the delivery of Counter Terrorism aims